Seaworthy Vessel

As per the International Conventions (bunch of rules and regulations) Carrier has certain responsbilities to be fullfilled, which are as followes

1. To provide a seaworth ship, properly manned,equipped,holds chambers and other parts of ship fit and safe for a voyage.

2. To properly and carefully load, handel, stow, carry, keep care and discharge the cargo.

3.Too issue Bill of Lading showing marks, numbers. quantity, weight and the order and the condition of the goods as provided by shipper in writing.

4.Not to Deviate the Ship from agreed Route.


A ship is seaworthy if she is fit in design, condition and all the necessary equipments are intact to commence and to encounter the ordinary perials of that particular voyage.

On the other hand a ship is unseaworthy if she has any kind of defects in it like

1. Material of which she is made of & her construction

2.Qualification of master and the crew including officers

3.Weight, Description, stowage of cargo Ballast and Condition of Hull, machinery and equipments
are not fit in every respect for that particular voyage.

For example :
If a ship if fit to carry all kinds of cargo except cargo which have moisture in it, though the ships machinery is capable of handaling other cargo but not cargo which have moisture Hence the ship is unseaworthy for carring that particular cargo ie cargo which has moisture in it.