Marine Insurance and P&I clubs.

What is insurance?
Insurance is protection against future loss
Also means promise of reimbursement in the case of loss, paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company.

Insurance is broadly divided into two categories

General Insurance -: General insurance or non life insurance policies includes automobile and homeowner policies provides payment depending on the loss from a particular event.

Marine Insurance -: Marine insurance covers the loss or damage of ship, cargo, and any transport or cargo by which property is transferred between the points of origin and final destination.

Protection and Indemnity Clubs (P&I clubs)

What are P & I clubs?

Protection and indemnity insurance more commonly known as P & I club. Insurance which is a form of marine insurance provided by a P & I club and is a mutual insurance association that provides cover for its members who typically be ship owners, ship operators etc. Unlike a marine insurance company which is answerable to its shareholders similarly P & I club is only responsible to its members.

Following are some of the P & I clubs 

The Standard Steamship Owners Protection & Indemnity association Ltd.

North England P&I Association.

The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association.

The Sweden Club.

The West of England Ship Mutual Ins. Association.

Schutzveren Detacher Raeder VAG, Hamburg.

The Ship Owners Protection & Indemnity Association Ltd.

In the above diagram (01) vessel operator approaches the xyz to handle their ship. xyz looks (02) for the ship in the respective P & I clubs of which they are representative and asks for confirmation. After they get (03) confirmation from the P & I club they handle the ship. If the ship operator needs some survey to be done (05) xyz gets its done and charges the ship operator for the services (07). In case the ship operator fails to pay the amount due than xyz seeks help from the P& I club to recover the amount due.

Diagrammatic representation of Issuance of policy

XYZ is an intermediary to the Insurance Co. and the Insured.

If the customer wants to insure his goods, he will contact XYZ will select those insurance company which will offer lesser premium to insure his goods then he will be given a Proposal Form by the XYZ, in this form insured have to fill all the information of the goods, its value, and the owner of the goods and all the information required before getting the policy.

After the Proposal Form is submitted then the cheque will be issued by the Insured to the XYZ and then the cheque will be transferred to the Insurance Company. After the submission of the cheque, then the Insurance Company will issue the policy to the XYZ along with the receipt. XYZ will then retain the Original copy with them and issue a duplicate copy to the insured.

Renewal of the Policy: Renewal notice is send to the insured one month before the expiry of the policy, just in case if the insured forgets he comes to know that he has to renew the policy. Renewal notice includes insured name, policy no, sum insured, premium expiry date and Description.

Types of Insurance Policy

1.    Declaration Policy: This policy applies to marine open cover and minimum sum insured is 01 core and as per policy one can get maximum 50% of refund.

2.    Floater Policy: floater policies applies to those goods which are stored in warehouses but in different locations.

3.    Valued Policy: This policy applies to only those goods which can be valued.
4.    Unvalued Policy: This policy applies to unvalued goods.

Section 64VB

Section 64VB states that unless and until you will not pay the premium the risk will not be covered. So if the insured does not pay the premium and his goods gets damaged than his claim will be conceded. 

Principles of Insurance:

Utmost Good faith: The insurer while taking the policy should declare all the necessary information to the insurance company and should not hide anything.

Subrogation: when there is total loss insured gets all his cover but in return he gives the damaged property to the insurance company, this is called surrendering your right.

Contribution: means insurer insures his property with two different insurance company this is called co-insurance, here one of the insurance company is lead company with greater share of sum insured.

Insurable Interest: means the one who has taken the policy should suffer the actual loss and the property insured must be his own property and not someone else property.

Indemnity: this means when one suffer loss the insurance company bring him back to the original position before the incident happened. 

Proximate Cause: proximate cause is the actual cause why the insured suffered the loss or damaged his property.

Some important terms in Insurance

Cover note / Held cover letter: is issued in time of urgency, when issuing of policy takes time due to some reason or so and is only valid for two months and the insured cannot claim for damages or loss of goods on basis on cover note or held cover letter. This is only to certify that one has taken insurance policy.

Enhancement and Endorsement: Enhancement means increase in sum insured and Endorsement means any change in name, place etc.

Under insurance: when the declared value of the property is less than the market value of the property it is said to be underinsurance.

NCB: NCB means no claim bonus. You get this bonus only on motor insurance policies and the maximum limit of discount one can get is 50% on premium.

Reinsurance: reinsurance is done when one insurance company exceeds its capacity to insure the property and insures the property with another insurance company.

Calculation of premiums

Transit Insurance Premium = Sum Insured * 10% * Rate (given by insurance co.)  * Service Tax (12.36%) + Rupee 1 for Stamp Duty.

Motor Insurance Premium = Sum insured * Rate * IMT23% * NCB – Dedctables – Third Party + legal liability * service tax.

Inland Transit Clause

Here the Insurance of the Goods are done only during transit period. The policy starts when the goods are dispatched and ends after the goods get delivered to their destination.

There are different terms in this policy:

ITC-A = Here insurance of New goods are done during the transit. As the goods are new pre dispatch survey is not required unless the goods have been unloaded in between.
ITC-B = Here the insurance of second hand goods are done, and in this case pre dispatch survey is must before sending the goods.
ITC-C = Here goods which has to be repaired are sent and pre dispatched survey is not required.